Traditionally, this legal reality is defined as the legal bond that links an individual to a State, granting him fundamental rights, namely, the right to reside and work in the territory of the State, the right to vote, the right not to be expelled or extradited and the right to protection by the state.
Citizenship can be attributed by birth or, in certain cases, acquired at a later time, when the specific requirements of each situation are met.
With regard to Portuguese law, dual citizenship is permitted and therefore, it is not necessary for the Applicant to renounce the original nationality.
According to the Nationality Law, it is not mandatory to hire a lawyer to present the case. However, it is the understanding of the entities and courts that, in case of representation, the Applicant must be represented by a qualified Lawyer, under penalty of verifying the assumptions of the illicit attorney.
In addition, an exclusive communication channel has been set up between Lawyers and the Institute of Registries and Notaries with a view to speeding up collaboration and clarifying issues related to the application of the nationality law or its interpretation.
Prime Legal's team has the necessary experience to advise on all types of nationality procedures.
What we do?
- Assignment of Nationality by direct Portuguese descent
- Attribution of Nationality by Portuguese descent in second degree (grandparents / grandchildren)
- Attribution of Nationality by birth in Portugal
- Acquisition of nationality by minor or incapable children
- Acquisition of nationality in case of marriage or de facto union
- Acquisition of nationality through adoption
- Acquisition of nationality for 5 years of residence
- Acquisition of nationality by stateless persons
- Acquisition of nationality by descent from Portuguese Sephardic Jews
- Acquisition of nationality by residents in Portugal for less than five years on April 25, 1974, who have lost Portuguese nationality
- Obtaining nationality by citizens born in former Portuguese territories such as Goa, Daman, Diu, Dadrá, Nagar-Aveli, Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau, São Tomé and Príncipe, Macau and Timor and their descendants